1. You must be a high school student
2. You must be fluent in English
3. You must read all of the information below and fill out the registration form correctly
Sign up below!
Once you Register:
- Approximately 7 days after you register, we will assign you a student and contact you with the student's information and level. From then on, you will be able to directly contact your student to schedule lessons and talk about their English learning goals.
- You are also responsible for deciding over which platform you will have lessons (Zoom, Facetime, Google Meet, Whatsapp, Skype, etc.) with your student, and how frequently these lessons will occur. You should keep track of your community service hours throughout this process, including prep and lesson time.
- 1 month after you register, an evaluation form will be sent out to you and your student to ensure lessons are going well.You may continue teaching until you or your student would like a break or to withdraw from lessons with Language Virtual entirely.
Don't worry if this is your first time teaching English, we have made a list of ways you can teach down below in "Materials". We are always able to come up with curriculum materials for you if you are new to teaching English/teaching in general. Most of our students need help on grammar, vocabulary, or simply the conversational asepct of English.
Our different teaching materials and recommendations can be found in the link below. These can help you start your first session and develop a routine for each lesson.
Below you can find an ideal community service form you could use to track your teaching hours. Language Virtual counts the following as valid community service hours: lesson prep time and time spent in the lesson. If you would like your hours certified, please send admin@languagevirtual.org a copy of your school's community service sheet along with a copy of your recorded hours.